Top 5 tips to improve your game

Stick Your Finish
Be a gold medal gymnast and stick your finish! A balanced finish can cure inconsistent contact, smooth your tempo, and lighten your grip. Stick your finish and you’ll play and feel like the pros.

Be Committed
Commit before setting up to the ball. Deciding shot style over the ball leads to confusion and a lack of trust for your execution. Be confident in your skill and your decision prior and see the results come full swing.

Stay Focused
Focus on distance control for longer putts. Once you decide the direction, make a few practice strokes with the exact motion for the distance to the hole, then go. Focus, breathe, and follow through.

Keep it Positive
See and say only what you desire. Remove negative chatter or visual movements. Avoid acts like looking up, focusing on not going in the water, or negatively commenting on how you swing your driver. Tension, trying too hard, and overthinking will only add to your frustration and inability to change.Keep it simple, positive, and concise.

Practice Makes Perfect
The secret to a successful golf lesson: listen and ask questions when something is not clear, write and review your notes, practice three times as much as the ball strike, and make short and easy swings with attention to detail. Exaggeration and repetition speed the ability to change one’s muscular habit.